Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: Happy, happy...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy, happy...

...and how blessed could I be...

...for under my roof, both my boys and me!

Kris has been back from the Sandbox for a few weeks, and finally managed to make it to Mississloppy to see his momma, and to torment his younger brother.
As I type this, both boys are in the living room, and da Marine is sling-shotting (sling-shooting?) cherry pits at the crip's exposed flesh. (Wes is doing very well in his recovery. Thanks so much for the e-mails and prayers!)


"Shut up, pussy."

"Moooom!!! Kris won't leave me alone!"

Ahhh. Just like tha good ole days.
More later when I'm not cookin' for,smooshy kissin', and all around spoilin' my boyz.
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