Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: "Westley...

Monday, June 25, 2007

"Westley...'s the (hand-held), urinal."
"No", says the chile, while reclining on the couch.

"Why not?", says tha motha.

"Because you could come in here and see me!"

"Sweetheart", says tha motha, "I can't possibly be here to help you to the "head" every time you need to urinate. You're going to break your other arm doing that one-legged, bunny hop thing. And by the by, I've seen your penis, many times. Recently, as a matter of fact."


"Whaaat?! Hey, look, if nothing else, it's much bigger than I remember it. You should be proud."


The motha ducks as the chile pitches a bottle of Loritabs in her direction. (Since he's handicrapped, he pitches with his left hand, very much like a girl. He misses.)
The motha goes to take some pictures.
(Click to embiggin. Look much betta bigga.)

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