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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Forgive my abrupt departure...

...from last nite's post. I'd simply reached my "end", and fell asleep without even turning out the lights.
My somnambulism and insomnia have been fighting a battle royal with my consciousness lately, and regardless the victor of the eve, I suffer.
For a long time, 50 mg. of diphenhydramine (Benadryl), would be enough to send me drifting, and eventually off into R.E.M. stage sleep. I'd average 6 hours a night (at least some of it deep), and I rarely "walked" unless under a lot of stress. That changed a few years ago.
I started walking...a lot. I'd have conversations, and sometimes attempt to leave the house.
My dok figgered my "chemistry" had changed, and the Benadryl was no longer working. And so, the experimentation began.
First, I tried varied, prescribed antihistamines. Most would put me out for a while, but I'd still wake to find a shoe in the 'fridge, lights ablaze, or make-up on half my face.
Last year, Dok prescribed Lunesta. Do ya'll remember?! I dosed myself in my freakin' sleep! I'm lucky to be alive.
Then, he gave me Ambian. No go, Daddy O! Naked, in the kitchen, at 2 a.m., eating cantaloupe. When I relayed that tale, he laughed.
"Ohmahgawd! I did the same thing! 'Cept it was brownies, and Amy (his wife), found me chowin' down."
"Well, thanks alot, shit-for-brains"(Dok is my neighbor, and we're on a first name basis, so it's ok for me to call him "shit-for-brains"). "Why tha fuck did you give it to me?!"
I gotta weed-smokin', hippy friend that suggested Melatonin.
"Ya' gotta go natural, dooood."
Riiiight. That shit gave me nightmares, ya' hea me?! I dreamt of havin' relations with my maid-fuckin', X huzband. And he was a Democrat!!!
The latest is Xanax. Now, Xanax is usually prescribed for anxiety disorders, but it will put yer ass to sleep. It worked great, for two days.

Did I mention I eat when I "walk"? For this reason, I keep snacks in my bedside drawer. Even tho asleep, my mind knows Goldfish, chocolate covered cashews, and Dots candies are at hand.
I woke this morning with a Dot stuck to mah ass.
It was a red Dot.
Red Dots are my favorite.
I ate it.

I think I'll give the Xanax to my weed-smokin', hippy friend.
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