Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: My bloggy momma...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My bloggy momma...

...the lovely LL, of Chromed Curses, ROKS, ya' hea me?!
My comment thingy was broked, and after a nano-second of searching for a cure (start mentioning template changes, and I get hives), I e-mailed her.
"Hep me please!"

Now, I dunno how it got fukked up to begin with (I hardly eva changed settings), but give that tenacious chick a blog problem, and she's on it like white on rice.
She's like a pit bull chewin' on a small chile. Won't stop till she gets to the heart of to speak.

All fixed, and I thank ya' Wen. Yer so niiiiice.
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