Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: Pimp Yerseff!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pimp Yerseff!

At least thirty folks (I know, I'm oh sooo popular), drop my this dive at least once a day. (Thanks!) Some of you I "know", some of you I'd like to know betta! Here's your chance. Tell me who you ARE! Where do you live? Why do you come hea'? (Lawd knows I haven't posted any half-nekkiditty for a while, so WHO knows!) Ask me questions you've been just dyin' to have answered! (I'm far from shy, and Pomposity IS in mah header, ya' know.)

If not, I haven't done one of these for a while, and it is a bit different but, WHAT AM I?

As for me, I'm buzzzzy! I've got multiple dive jobs goin' on ova in 'Bama, and when I'm not there, I'm heavily into the "Genuflection Dance", AKA, layin' hardwood.

Forgive me folks, for not visiting your spots. I'll try to do better. *kizzes*

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