Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: I'm Confused

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm Confused

I tuned into Fox when I got in this afternoon. I wanted to see the "latest" on the horrible events of yesterday at Virginia Tech. The colors were being presented, as the convocation was underway.

A few speeches were delivered, one very touching from our Commander in Chief. (I hope the pres' speech writers are well paid, 'cause they do a damn fine job.)

At any rate, shortly thereafter some old chick in glasses proceeded to deliver a well-known "...time to reap, time to sow..." poem that was, translated into (I believe), Arabic (?!). WUT. THA. FUCK?

Then, an old, bearded dood started calling upon Alllahhh, as "from Allah we come, and to him we shall return."
I repeat, WUT. THA. FUCK?!

Has there been a large influx of Moooslums into Virginia that I was not aware of? Did Virginia become an Islamo-wacko state when I wasn't looking?

Please, someone bring me up to speed, 'cause apparently, I missed somethin'.
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