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Thursday, April 05, 2007

As it does on water...

...sound travels on country winds; a fact that my neighbor, Mrs. Mc Pigsty is apparently unaware of.

Overheard this morning from beyond my wooden fence: "I HATE those damn windchimes! "Clang! Clang! Clang!", day and night!"

Gotta be me. There are only three houses on our cul-de-sak, and mine is the only one with chimes.

Geesh, Louise! Bitchin' 'bout chimes that make about as much noise as a fairy peein'!

Sooo, chimes piss ya' off Mizzrizz Piggy? Off to the garage for me!
*Rummage, rummage* Found 'em!

Why would I do something so mean-spirited? 'Cause iffin' I don't like ya', I can be a complete, and utter asshole.

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