Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: Propaganda?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Without a doubt, and I almost didn't watch this film in it's entirety (1 hr. 21 min.). However, I ask that you do, when you have time.

I watched, in absolute horror, LIVE, events unfolding on 9/11, and I must admit, there were, and still are, some logistical, and statistical questions that exist in my mind. This film, while some of it produced audible "bullshit" reactions, asks some very compelling questions, produces some pretty good evidence, and adds to some of my skepticism surrounding SOME events of 9/11.

Now hold on! I can just HEAR you guys! "But, Lil Toni! That's what propaganda is SUPPOSED to do! Make you question the answers given by "The Man". Well, I'm a thinkin' kinda person. I question that which I don't fully understand, or that which flies in the face of common sense.

I don't know what the producer (s) TOTAL agenda is, and I've only watched it once (I WILL watch it again, while taking notes), but I do know this; some of the info is quite....disturbing.

Some pretty smart people drop by here, to read my drivel (or to oogle me half-nekkid....WHATeva). I want to know what YOU think.

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