Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: I'M PISSED!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


And in my humble fuckin' opinion, with good reason.
My bloggy momma has busted her hump, what with settin' up that e-bay account (NOT an easy task, mind you), creating sidebar codes to promote that auction, e-mailin EVERYONE SHE KNOWS, and doing her level best to "get it out there."
Bane was gracious enough to mention it on his blog. Thank you.
Ditto, GuyK., and others that have done their part.
I've done very little. Donating is EASY.
So, why am I pissed? Well, I'll tell ya why.
I've asked, nay BEGGED some pretty heavy-hittin' bloggers to give it a mention. Not for me, nor traffic for my blog. I personally don't give a rat's ass whether I get read or not.
But, the auction and Project Valour- IT, are (listen carefully), IMPORTANT!
These men and women are missing ARMS, HANDS, the ability to move!
Jesus Christ inna handbasket! What part DON'T THEY GET?!
Would it really hurt them that much, take up that much of their precious bloggin' time, to give it a mention?!
Think about this; how would YOU feel if YOU couldn't type, blog, e-mail?
There are one or two of you that I KNOW would make a difference.
Two fuckin' bids. TWO.
I'm disgusted beyond words.

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