Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: I haven't been bloggin' 'cause...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

I haven't been bloggin' 'cause...

I won tha lottery!!!

Not really. Thas a lie. I just have cancer. After 6 years of remmission, Hodgkin's has decided to revisit mah ass.

For weeks, I've dealt with the denial, anger... blah, blah, blah, that comes with the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness.
I've been petrified, had panic attacks, and lied (by omission), to my children.
I stopped working, connecting with my "Soldier Babies", photography, my social work in the community, and became one depressed mother fucker.
I wallowed in self pity.
All of that is DONE.
While I'm not sure how much I will blog about this part of my life journey, know that I am now calm, assured, and comfortable, and that I have a treatment strategy.
I have changed my diet (green, leafy vegetables still suck!), cut waaaay back on my smokin' and drinkin', and meditate daily,in an attempt just to chill tha fuck out.
I'm good, just not real chatty in the "blog world."

Contemplation of the day:
Cut off 18 inch, amber tresses, and send to "Locks of Love", or wait it out. Chemo is a BITCH.

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