Banner created by Irish Diablo Random Bits of Pomposity: I've Been a Lazy Blogger. Bite Me.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I've Been a Lazy Blogger. Bite Me.

Or spank me, if you're into that, and if you've the cajones.

I've been workin' n stuff (site of today and yesterday above), so pblthhhhhhh! Wid spit.

I also admit, although I am a delicate flower (*cough*, *hack*), and aim not to assend to the throne of "Crap Blogger", that my gastrointestinal tract has become, umm...err...compromised.

Musta been something I swallered.
Or, something this guy hacked into the Ten-Tom Riva.

I'm kiddin'. I was "drift" diving, and well up-stream of his ass.

He was a right friendly dood, I must say.

"Mind if I take yer pitcher?"
"Awwww. Purdy as you is, somebody should be takin' YOR pitcher!"

His limo will be picking me up for lunch at Brussard's tomorrow.

Before I went to "work", I cruised into town to take some "Southern-feelin" pics for "my" deployed Lt.Col.
He's originally from 'Bama, and is rite tired of the fuckin "Sandbox."

This city is ripe with history (reported to be where Memorial Day originated), and filled with antibellum homes.

This is White Arches, circa 1857, and one of my favorites.

THIS is what happens when the alarm goes off whilst one is photographing one of these exquisite homes.
45 seconds. TOPS.

Turns out, this "ride along" was from Nawlins, and we had a nice chat (while they ran my plates....bwaaahahaha!), and yes....I HAD to rub "homeslice's" head before I left. (I luuuuuuuv BALD.)

I also dared 'em to take my bent over the squad car, being "cuffed". They passed.

Hey! "Ride-along"! You readin' this?!

Geesh. I crack me up.
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